I know it's been a while since my last post and I hope I have not bored you....Of course I have. I have a lot to show you and I am thinking I might spread it out rather than dropping it on the blog in one fell swoop. I am getting the twins on a good sleeping schedule and rooms are getting put together a bit at a time. I am loving life right now especially when Dano doesn't have to work the weekend....
And have I mentioned I am running again. That can be a love/hate relationship but I am loving it right now. It is what I need. I figured if I sign up for a race then I have to train for it or look like a fool. Ok ok I might still look like a fool but at least I am not sitting on my BUTT right. So I signed up for the
Moonlight Run 2010 March 20, 2010 . I think everyone should sign up, the last time
I ran it was 3 years ago and I never realized how fun a race can be. I hope to see you there.