
Sunday, February 13, 2011

missing talk

I gave a talk today in sacrament meeting about family home evening. Page 1 went well, page 2 went well, page 3... was page 4. Page 3 wasn't there. Slade wanted to read the talk before church and somewhere between me giving it to him and me needing it on the stand, it went missing. I think I did okay at remembering what I wanted to share, and when we got home I found it in the middle of the living room floor. Let this be a lesson to us all- 10 year-old boys do not make good secretaries!
I was hoping to be the youth speaker (because it was my birthday yesterday) but alas, I spoke last. Losing a page of thoughts was good for me though, since I finished right on time!

Check out this link for awesome info on Home Evening from the LDS website

Go there tomorrow and click the facebook/twitter button to change your status to 'we're having Family Home Evening'!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The end of my early thirties

Turned 33 today, which means next year I will be in my mid-thirties. In order to get myself in the mood (not that mood) I made myself a playlist to pump myself up for the coming year, and to celebrate the past.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

a frog croaks

With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of our tree frog 'Frog'. It died sometime in January, but was found dead and shriveled under his favorite hidey-hole this past week. Dano faithfully bought home crickets for Frog (some of whom outlasted the very stomach they were destined for) but alas amphibians need water on a regular basis, and the desert that is the top of Slade's dresser proved too much for a tropical tree frog.

Condolences are welcome as comments to this blog, but we ask that flowers and/or donations be saved for your own current and future hapless pets.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So I don't know what it is like around your house this time of year. We have had weeks of one Kiddie or another getting sick and being a little house bound is making us a little o.k. a lot grumpy.  So I came up with the brain wave of ....14 DAYS OF LOVE..... All the kids are in (some a little more willing than others). But I think it will be fun.  I have challenged them to pray to ask to have more LOVE for their siblings. We have also come up with a key word for each person, so that we can say it to remind them of the challenge without nagging. Now I just need to see if Dano will be up for the challenge. If only we could get Libby and Finn in on this. Oh how they love to fight. I will keep you posted on how it works out.....For reals this time.