
Sunday, February 13, 2011

missing talk

I gave a talk today in sacrament meeting about family home evening. Page 1 went well, page 2 went well, page 3... was page 4. Page 3 wasn't there. Slade wanted to read the talk before church and somewhere between me giving it to him and me needing it on the stand, it went missing. I think I did okay at remembering what I wanted to share, and when we got home I found it in the middle of the living room floor. Let this be a lesson to us all- 10 year-old boys do not make good secretaries!
I was hoping to be the youth speaker (because it was my birthday yesterday) but alas, I spoke last. Losing a page of thoughts was good for me though, since I finished right on time!

Check out this link for awesome info on Home Evening from the LDS website

Go there tomorrow and click the facebook/twitter button to change your status to 'we're having Family Home Evening'!


  1. this seems kinda reminiscent of piper's baptism...

  2. Slade's too busy being such a good kid to remember things.

  3. Slade is an awesome kid!! Glad you are better at winging it than I am. Happy Birthday!
