You know the days when you feel like everything is going great. The house is clean and you can enjoy seeing the top of your kitchen island. The laundry is done or at least almost and the kids are being pretty good. And you've been able to work out and feel good about life. Lets just say that was LAST WEEK. This week is a different story Holy Cow! My kiddies were sick over the weekend (and some still are) and my Hubby had to work and it was just a crazy busy weekend. I feel like life is piling up around my ears. I have so much I need to get done and instead I am spending my time holding my little ones and breaking up their fights.....While the world around me becomes a mess. But oh how I love them.
Already today I had to tell Libby that she can't hit Finn with a hammer, I've had to clean up the puddle they were spashing in on the floor and break up the countless fights over CHAPSTICK... have I mentioned their LoVe of chapstick...They go crazy over it.
la la la life lately
9 years ago