We went to Utah for a funeral a few weeks ago. A big thank-you to everyone who filled in for me at work, and who picked up the slack for Jody, ... you know who you are! And our apologies and many blessings in heaven to all those who let us bring our travelling 3-ring circus to your home!
Hottest navigator ever!
With a combination of luck and wheedling we can get our kids to all pose for a picture at the same time. Emphasis on 'pose'
I went to Toronto the weekend of the 30th of April for a pharmacist conference. Friday evening I walked up to the Phoenix conference hall and scalped a ticket to see the Rural Alberta Advantage play. They make a awful lot of noise for a band of 3 that includes an acoustic guitar and a young lady mostly playing the tambourine. Happiest drummer ever.
Here is another picture of my honey on Mother's Day with our middle child.
While visiting my Mom yesterday, we took the kids to the playground in Magrath. My sister was messing around with a new camera lens, and we posed for a few "engagement" photos. It's the cheesy smile by the handsome prospective groom Blogmaster that pushes these pics into engagement photo territory.
Libby (3 years old) is using her word very well lately... as well as her imagination!
We made an awesome snowman today thanks to the heaps of wet and heavy snow. Snowman building included a few crying episodes of "he hit me in the head with a snowball!" Here is some pics.
Alas, the life span of Mr. Snowman was a few short minutes before he became the snowball target.
Went to Lloydminster last week to help Jarem and his family move into the house they bought there. I took Slade and Piper with me, to help me stay awake on the long drive, to help watch the younger kids, and so they could visit with cousins. They were so good in the car in both directions. Unfortunately Slade brought extra friends (germs)with him, and painted the new floor (hamburger soup and rootbeer puke). Piper wouldn't eat anything that was made for supper and my brother's family got to see what her temper tantrums are like. Now piper and I are sick, and Jarem's kids are puking. Best housewarming present ever, you are welcome!
certain words are color-coded to match the color of the carpet post-vomit.
In order to make you and I feel better, check out the video for the new REM song. It will make you want to dance around for the rest of the day!
I gave a talk today in sacrament meeting about family home evening. Page 1 went well, page 2 went well, page 3... was page 4. Page 3 wasn't there. Slade wanted to read the talk before church and somewhere between me giving it to him and me needing it on the stand, it went missing. I think I did okay at remembering what I wanted to share, and when we got home I found it in the middle of the living room floor. Let this be a lesson to us all- 10 year-old boys do not make good secretaries! I was hoping to be the youth speaker (because it was my birthday yesterday) but alas, I spoke last. Losing a page of thoughts was good for me though, since I finished right on time!
Turned 33 today, which means next year I will be in my mid-thirties. In order to get myself in the mood (not that mood) I made myself a playlist to pump myself up for the coming year, and to celebrate the past.
With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of our tree frog 'Frog'. It died sometime in January, but was found dead and shriveled under his favorite hidey-hole this past week. Dano faithfully bought home crickets for Frog (some of whom outlasted the very stomach they were destined for) but alas amphibians need water on a regular basis, and the desert that is the top of Slade's dresser proved too much for a tropical tree frog.
Condolences are welcome as comments to this blog, but we ask that flowers and/or donations be saved for your own current and future hapless pets.
So I don't know what it is like around your house this time of year. We have had weeks of one Kiddie or another getting sick and being a little house bound is making us a little o.k. a lot grumpy. So I came up with the brain wave of ....14 DAYS OF LOVE..... All the kids are in (some a little more willing than others). But I think it will be fun. I have challenged them to pray to ask to have more LOVE for their siblings. We have also come up with a key word for each person, so that we can say it to remind them of the challenge without nagging. Now I just need to see if Dano will be up for the challenge. If only we could get Libby and Finn in on this. Oh how they love to fight. I will keep you posted on how it works out.....For reals this time.
I (Dano) have now created a second account and made both Jody and I administrators of this blog. While the previous posts say that they were posted by Jody, It should be obvious to even the least experienced blog reader that they are of BLOGMASTER quality. Now that I know how to do this, I just might steal the thunder from David in setting up a Gurney family blog; If I get to it first, I get to choose the name! And I might be stingy and not grant anyone else admin privileges..
Elder Bednar is very clear on what an apostle is and does, and his responses to the questions on screen tell a lot about the church of Jesus Christ. It's only 11 minutes long, take the time!
Piper turned 8 on Christmas Eve and was baptized by her Dad on Christmas Day. We didn't get to stay in our pajamas as per usual Christmas Day fashion, and I missed my chance to hold Piper under water to see how long she could hold her breath for, but she has an experience she will never forget! Not many people can say they were baptized on Christmas.
Jody informed me today that she has elected me BLOGMASTER for stirlinggurneyjourney. As you have seen from this blog, Jody is very crafty and wants to dedicate a new, as yet unnamed, but shortly to be unveiled, blog to her creations as well as showcase some of the things she makes and sells with her sister as Dizzy Daisy Bead Co (crafty is referring to hand made couture, and not to her cunning and manipulative female wiles, although the purpose of this post is an example of those traits...).
Since Jody has to ask her husband Dano (referred to henceforth as the BLOGMASTER) how to upload a picture every single time, it is hoped that this new change will allow a more picturesque blog to take shape, although I can guarantee that the backgrounds will not be as pretty.
BLOGMASTER is in red to show mastery and general blogging intimidation.